Who are the Official Disney Princesses?

The Disney Princesses



There are currently 12 Official Disney Princesses as of 2022. However, I am sure that will change in the years to come! But what is their story, and how did it all begin? Today we are going to find out.


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This is the list and the movies each Princess is from:

  1. Snow White, Snow White, and the Seven Dwarfs
  2. Cinderella, Cinderella
  3. Aurora, Sleeping Beauty
  4. Ariel, The Little Mermaid
  5. Belle, Beauty and the Beast
  6. Jasmine, Aladdin
  7. Pocahontas, Pocahontas
  8. Mulan, Mulan
  9. Tiana, The Princess, and the Frog
  10. Rapunzel, Tangled
  11. Merida, Brave
  12. Moana, Moana




Snow White - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1938)


Snow White, the “fairest one of all” is loved by all, except by her evil stepmother “The Evil Queen”. Castaway by her jealous stepmother, Snow White leaves the Kingdom and enters a beautiful forest. While Snow is wandering this magical place she meets some rather extraordinary people! 

Fun Fact: Snow white was the very first full-length Disney Movie, taking around 3 years to make with 32 animators and over 1000 assistants.
Birthday: March 6th
Age in Movie: 14

Cinderella - Cinderella (1950)


Similar to Snow White, Cinderella also has a wicked stepmother, after her father's death she was forced to work as a maid for her evil stepmother and her two sisters. Cinderella was treated horribly, but despite this, the young princess kept her spirit, kind ways, and faith in it all working out. All of these positive qualities helped to conjure the Fairy Godmother. With help from the Fairy Godmother, her role as a servant quickly changed and she became what she was always meant to be, a princess.

Fun Fact: Throughout the movie, Cinderella loses her shoes a total of 3 times! She might need to get a new size.
Birthday: September 6th
Age in Movie: 19


Aurora - Sleeping Beauty (1959)


Aurora is a magically blessed Girl, she is elegant, shy and a hopeless romantic. Mostly referred to as Sleeping Beauty. Aurora may spend most of her time in the movies asleep but when she isn't, she is a ray of sunshine and has a true Princess aura. She also makes a snoozy appearance in other princess movies such as Little Mermaid. Try to keep an eye out for the cameo!

Fun Fact: The very first movie was advertised as “6 years in the making” in 1951, however, it did not hit the theatres until January 1959.
Birthday: March 20th
Age in Movie: 16


Ariel - The Little Mermaid (1989)


The loveable underwater princess Ariel! Ariel is more than just a normal princess however, she is a mermaid and the youngest daughter of King Triton (ruler of the sea). Ariel’s passion for adventure and the unknown convinced her to follow her dreams and experience life on the surface. With her sidekick Sebastian  and her other buddies at her side, no one can stop the powerful princess, not even the evil Ursula who loves to trick people into making deals that no one can hold up. With a steep price of belonging to her for an ETERNITY!

Fun Fact: Disney’s color team created a special shade just for her! Ariel’s fin (blue-green) is actually known globally as Ariel in honor of the mermaid Princess.
Birthday: October 8th
Age in Movie: 16



Belle - Beauty and the Beast (1991)


In a small mundane French village of normality, there is one irregularity, Belle. The daughter of an inventor Maurice Belle is labeled As an outcast by many in the village due to her passion for exploration and her free spirit. Belle’s wish to have an exciting journey indeed comes true, just not in the way she expected. Captured by what can only be referred to as a BEAST to save her father’s life. What happens next is truly magical and this ordinary girl is truly anything but ordinary. The Beast is charmed by the beautiful Belle, it is only after they really talk that she understands that the Beast is shockingly the cursed Prince Adam.

Fun Fact: Belle was the first Brunette Princess!
Birthday: May 6th
Age in Movie: 17 




Jasmine - Aladdin (1992)


The Middle Eastern Kingdom of Agrabah is ruled by King Sultan, but more importantly, Sultan is the father to the rebellious princess Jasmine! Though Jasmine loves her kingdom she feels trapped by her father's outdated laws and is forbidden to leave the palace. Then along comes the even more rebellious Alladin on his flying carpet. Let’s just say it doesn’t take much convincing for Jasmine to leave with Aladdin and go on a mystical Adventure. 

Fun Fact: Jasmine is the only Official Disney Princess who is not the main character in her film.
Birthday: September 23rd
Age in Movie: 15



Pocahontas - Pocahontas (1995)


With her mother's free spirit and strong will, Pocahontas (name meaning “Little Mischief”) is a true rebel in her tribe. She is the only one who does not want war with the white settlers and even begins to feel connected to one, a man named John Smith.  Pocahontas is a nature-loving soul, someone who always tries to see the good side, even when there may not be one. With her Pets Meeko (Racoon), Flit (Hummingbird)  and Percy (Pug), Pocahontas she is a formidable force, not to mention her shamanic powers, luckily she is a true good soul and does not wish harm on anyone (unless they are really asking for it).

Fun Fact: Pocahontas’ birth year is unknown! Many historians estimate it was around 1600 but there is no certified answer.
Birthday: December 6th
Age in Movie: 18



Mulan - Mulan (1998)


The only Princess not to be of royal lineage is the cunning Fa Mulan. Mulan was raised in a small village in China, a clumsy girl who is considered an outcast due to her dislike of the rules, order, and tradition. However, when her father gets drafted into the Army, everything changes. Mulan takes his place and pretends to be a man in order to fight and protect her family! Mulan is not alone on this adventure, with her Cri-kee (Cricket), Mushu (Dragon), and her trusty steed Kahn she is capable of almost anything!

Fun Fact: The name Mulan is a translation of Magnolia or Wood Orchid which is why you see them so often!
Birthday: July 27th
Age in Movie: 16

Tiana - The Princess and the Frog (2009)


An intelligent, resourceful and talented young woman that has one dream, to open her very own restaurant in New Orleans. However, in a twist of fate, Tiana meets “the Frog Prince” Naveen. After convincing Tiana that he was cursed she kisses the small green frog, that is when everything changes and the amazing adventure begins through the New Orleans bayou.

Fun Fact: Tiana is the last Princess who was made by the original 2D animation! A true end to an era.
Birthday: December 25th
Age in Movie: 19



Rapunzel - Tangled (2010)


Locked in a tower by her mother, Rapunzel is a beautiful and bright girl with magical long blonde hair. However, in the beginning, Rapunzel does not know of her hair's magical qualities, and all she wants is to leave the tower to explore the world. Fascinated by the “floating lights” that would always appear on her birthday she seeks to escape and does so by meeting the not-so-charming Flynn Rider, a handsome thief. That is when the truth of Rapunzel's origin begins to unravel, and that is how she learns that she is actually the missing Princess of Corona.

Fun Fact: Rapunzel’s luscious locks are apparently 70 feet long! To put that in perspective that is approximately the length of 7 Dolphins.
Birthday: December 16
Age in Movie: 18


Merida - Brave (2012)


The Scottish Princess Merida, daughter of Queen Elinor and King Fergus is a brave, courageous and rebellious young lady who one could argue wouldn’t naturally fit the generic ‘Princess Role’. She spends a large part of her day training, by practicing her archery skills as well as riding her beloved horse Angus. One day when Merida has no lessons she rides her horse and shoots her arrow into the forest, this is when she climbs the Crone’s tooth and drinks from the famous Fire Falls in joy and her adventure begins.

Fun Fact: The Scottish Princess has a very interesting name, Merida is actually Latin in origin and translates to “One who has achieved a high place of honor.”
Birthday: February 12th
Age in Movie: 16

Moana - Moana (2016)


Moana of Motuni, daughter of Chief Tui, loves to voyage and explore the wide open seas. A girl who could be regarded as fearless, and strong-willed yet also loving and free-spirited. Despite her lack of size and experience, she isn't afraid to wander from home to learn and explore.
However, not all is as it seems, her home is plagued with life-killing darkness and that is when the young Moana must set sail and journey across the sea to new lengths and fight to save the world! Luckily she has the aid of the shape-shifting demigod Maui to help on this valiant quest.

Fun Fact: Maui is an important part of the film and the character is actually based on the Polynesian demi-god Māui.
Birthday: April 30th
Age in Movie: 16

Honorable Mentions

Don’t worry, we know there are more Princesses but they aren’t on this list just yet, but here are some honorable mentions that I am sure will be added to the list in the years to come:



Eilonwy (The Black Cauldron - 1985)



Kida (Atlantis: The Lost Empire - 2001)



Vanellope (Ralph Breaks the Internet - 2012)



Elsa (Frozen - 2013)



Anna (Frozen - 2013)


As well as many more amazing princesses to come in the future, it is truly an exciting time to be a huge Disney fan!




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